With a health care education, you’ll be entering one of the fastest growing job markets with endless opportunities for exciting careers. You'll be responsible to care for patients, improving and enhancing their quality of lives. You will use critical thinking skills and expertise you've developed through simulation lab experiences, collaborative clinical settings, and advanced medical environments to make a difference in the world and help those in need.

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Beyond Bay College

After obtaining a degree or certificate, health care graduates are equipped with the skills and certifications needed for immediate employment and are able to work in a professional and profitable career. A number of students chose to transfer to a university of their choice to further their education. Popular Bachelor's degrees and beyond include:

  • Registered Nurse (BSN)
  • Nurse Anesthetist
  • Nurse Practitioner (NP)
  • Physical Therapist (PT)
  • Occupational Therapist (OT)
  • Doctor (MD or OD)
  • Pharmacist

Job Market Outlook


Sandra Croasdell
(906) 217-4098

Amy Reddinger
Vice President of Academics & Educational Equity
CB 201G
(906) 217-4068
