Syllabus Information
Taylor Barron
Academic Affairs Manager
JHUC 945
(906) 217-4019
College Policies
Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Statement
Bay College takes its responsibilities under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 seriously. Bay College is committed to providing an educational environment free from discrimination or harassment based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, age, disability, or other protected status. Bay College Board Policy 1060 prohibits discrimination or harassment, including that based on sex or gender. Prohibited acts include but are not limited to sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.
Students who experience or observe an incident of sex- or gender-based discrimination are encouraged to report it to a College employee or a member of the College’s Title IX team. Faculty and staff are considered “responsible employees” and are required to report any such incident they observe or of which they are made aware. The only exceptions to the faculty member's reporting obligation are when incidents of sexual violence are communicated by a student during a classroom discussion, in a writing assignment for a class, or as part of a College-approved research project where giving the College notice of the discrimination is not the student’s intent. Students also have options to discuss issues confidentially.
Questions concerning discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex or gender, or reporting an incident, may be directed as well to any of the Title IX Coordinators identified on the website. A complaint may also be filed by going to the Bay College website Campus Safety page. This report allows individuals to identify themselves or to submit an anonymous report.
Bay College ADA Statement
Disability-related accommodations and services for all Bay College students are provided through the Office of Accessibility (OOA) located within the HUB on the Escanaba campus and Student Success Center on West. If you are a student with a disability and think you may require disability-related accommodations or services, please contact the Office of Accessibility. Reasonable and effective accommodations and services will be provided to students if requests are made in a timely manner, with appropriate documentation in accordance with federal, state, and Bay de Noc Community College guidelines. Bay College complies with ADA requirements for service animals but does not allow pets on its campuses.
Academic Integrity
It shall be the policy of the Bay de Noc Community College Board of Trustees that the college provides opportunities for students to gain the knowledge, skills, judgment and wisdom they need to function in society as responsible citizens. Plagiarism, falsifying data, and other forms of academic dishonesty are inconsistent with the college's goals and mission. Students are expected to pursue their education at Bay College with honor and integrity. In line with this college policy, any student found cheating, copying, or otherwise misrepresenting his/her performance, or any way gaining an unfair advantage over other students will be subject to disciplinary actions according to the Bay College Academic Integrity Procedures. For a detailed list of forms of plagiarism, please review the extended policy in the Bay College catalog.
Tobacco, Smoke and Vape-Free Campuses
Bay College campuses are to be free of tobacco, smoke and vaping. The policy ensures the college provides a healthy and clean environment free from smoke and vaping and free of residue from chewing tobacco.
Academic Support
Tutoring is very popular at Bay College and is offered for all courses. Tutoring requests can be made through the front desk of the Student Success Center in the HUB at the Escanaba Campus or at the Student Success Center at West Campus in room 221. For more information, email the Student Success Center at Bay College or call 906-217-4136 (Main Campus - Escanaba, MI) 906-302-3004 (West Campus - Iron Mountain, MI).
Supplemental Instruction
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an internationally recognized academic support program that targets traditionally difficult courses. Students come together in regularly-scheduled study sessions that are embedded in their course schedules to compare notes, discuss course materials, develop study tools, practice problem solving, and prepare for exams. These sessions are facilitated by trained SI leaders that attend the course with students and prepare study materials for use during SI sessions. SI staff can be found in the Student Success Center (rooms 837 and 839 at the Escanaba Campus or room 221 at West Campus) or can be reached via phone at 906-217-4230.
Office of Accessibility
The Office of Accessibility (OOA) assists all students with documented disabilities taking Bay College courses with a variety of services for course accommodations. Services and reasonable accommodations may be granted to eligible students who complete the Accommodation Request Form and Intake Information Questionnaire (myBay login required) and the application process. No matter where a student is taking a Bay College course, to request accommodations, email the Office of Accessibility or call 906-217-4017. The Office of Accessibility is located in room 811 of the Student Success Center in the HUB at the Main Campus.
TRIO Student Support Services
The TRIO Student Support Services program provides many additional services to students, including academic planning, career exploration, transfer assistance, personal financial training and support, FAFSA assistance, cultural & college trips, leadership opportunities, grant aid and tutoring. The TRIO offices are located in the Student Success Center in the HUB at the Escanaba Campus and the Student Success Center at West Campus. For more information, email TRIO at Bay College or call 906-217-4133 (Main Campus - Escanaba, MI) 906-302-3035 (West Campus - Iron Mountain, MI)..
The Bay College Library contains resources to enhance and expand your learning journey, study rooms for quiet or collaborative space, and friendly staff who are here to help you find what you need. The library is located on the Main Campus in the HUB and provides materials and services to students on the West Campus online and through the Student Success Center.
The library’s catalog and online resources are available on campus and anywhere you access the Internet. Search the library’s online catalog to find print materials, reserve books, and check your library account. Search the library’s databases to find peer-reviewed journal articles, streaming movies, and other online tools.
Use your Bay ID to check out library materials and your Bay Username and Password to access online resources. In addition to traditional print and online resources, we loan calculators, charging cords, laptops, graphic novels, DVDs, vinyl records, magazines, and children’s books.
Find us online at Bay College Library
Need help? Send an email to the Bay College Library or call (906) 217-4055.
Placement Assessment Preparation
Placement test preparation is available to students seeking to place well initially or re-test to improve their placement in English, reading, or math. Students can schedule an appointment to receive preparation resources and strategies on how to prepare to take the placement test by emailing Testing Services or by calling 906-217-4053 for Main Campus or 906-302-3004 for West Campus. Tutoring requests can be made through the front reception desk of the Student Success Center in the HUB at the Main Campus or at the Student Success Center at West Campus in room 221.
Testing Services
Testing Services at Bay College provides proctored testing at both campuses. Please visit the testing services website or MyBay page for the most updated information regarding services and open days and hours. Appointments can be made online or through e-mailing Main Campus in Escanaba, call 906-217-4035 or West Campus in Iron Mountain, call 906-302-3200.
Online Learning Support
Online Learning Support is available to students. Students can receive live support for technical issues they encounter related to online learning. For assistance, stop by Online Learning Support located in the Student Success Center on the Escanaba campus, or at the West Campus computer help desk, Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM. For more information, email Online Learning at Bay College or call 906-217-4276.
Online Academic Success Center (OASC)
The Online Academic Success Center is available to all Bay Students on the college’s Blackboard platform under Courses > Online Academic Success Center (OASC). Below are ways that the Online Academic Success Center can help you:
- The ASC’s Drop-box feature allows students to submit essays, projects, or assignments to the college literacy tutors for feedback. You can submit work for any course—be it a lab report, a business presentation, or a videotaped speech—and the tutors will return it back to you within 48 hours.
- Off Campus Online Tutoring Information: If you can’t fit tutoring into a 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM schedule, but would still like help from the MSC, SSO or TRiO tutors, our ZOOM software allows you to connect with a tutor in a virtual environment at a time that best works for you, be it the evening or a weekend. Contact a center coordinator to sign up and/or learn more about this feature.
- Handouts and Web Resources: If you want to sharpen your skills with clear, easy-to-follow handouts and links, we have many resources available. Additionally, if there’s something you don’t see on our site, email us! We’d love to hear your feedback.
The Online Academic Success Center is a great resource that will help you on your quest for success and we encourage you to check out all it has to offer. Refer to the Bay College catalog for specific details about services available to students. For more information, email the Student Success Center at Bay College.
Taylor Barron
Academic Affairs Manager
JHUC 945
(906) 217-4019