The Hewlett Foundation defines Open Educational Resources (OER) as teaching, learning and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. Open educational resources include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge. These textbooks are free online! Most are also available in the bookstore in print for the cost of production and under $40.00.

Student Savings

Bay College has saved its students over $2,140,600 on textbooks since Fall 2015 semester. Bay College has over 40 courses that use OER, with more being added all the time!

OER Degree Initiative Grant

In June 2016, Bay College was awarded a grant from Achieving the Dream (ATD) to a complete degree pathway using all OER. Bay College transitioned many courses to open educational resources starting immediately, and entire OER degree pathways in Liberal Arts was launched in the Fall semester of 2017. (See below for a complete list of our OER courses). The OER Degree Initiative is working to create a library of high-quality, digital, open courses available to other institutions and the public at large. Making resources easily available to all is expected to encourage OER adoption even at non-participating institutions.

ATD will help colleges make OER degrees critical elements of their student success efforts. Lumen Learning will provide technical assistance, SRI International will evaluate the implementation, and the Community College Consortium of Open Educational Resources (CCCOER) will facilitate a community of practice. Bay College has a total of 27 classes certified as OER through Lumen Learning, our grant partner, for a total of 87 credits. For more information on the grant please visit the Achieving the Dreams website.

OER Textbooks

Course ID Course Name OER Textbook
ARTS 163 Theater Appreciation Theatrical Worlds 
ARTS 204 Art History to 1300 SmArt History
ARTS 207 Art History 1300 to Present SmArt History
BIOL 103 Essential Biology Concepts of Biology
BIOL 213 Anatomy and Physiology I Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 214 Anatomy and Physiology II Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 225 Medical Microbiology Microbiology
BUSN 160 Introduction to Business Introduction to Business****
BUSN 242 Principles of Management Principles of Management ****
CHEM 110 General Chemistry I OpenStax Chemistry
CHEM 112 General Chemistry II OpenStax Chemistry
 CHLD 103 Child Development TBD
COMM 103 Interpersonal Communications Interpersonal Communications
COMM 104 Public Speaking Principles of Public Speaking
COMM 201 Mass Communications Understanding Media and Culture
COM 225 Introduction to Film No Book Required
ECON 131 Macroeconomics Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 132 Microeconomics Principles of Microeconomics
ENGL 098C Rhetoric & Composition Support Rhetoric & Composition Support
ENGL 101 Rhetoric & Composition Rhetoric & Composition
ENGL 102 Research Writing The Process of Research Writing
ENGL 145 Technical & Report Writing Technical & Report Writing
ENGL 150 Intro to Literature Intro to Literature
ENGL 200 American Literature No Book Required
ENGL 208 Writing Poetry and Short Fiction No Book Required
FYE 101 College Success Strategies College Success Strategies
FYE 103 Career Exploration No Book Required
HIST 211 US History to 1865 The American Yawp
HIST 212 US History 1865 to Present The American Yawp
MATH 107 Liberal Arts Math Liberal Arts Mathematics
MATH 110 College Algebra College Algebra
MATH 140 Pre-Calculus Pre-Calculus*
MATH 141 Analytical Geometry and Calculus I Calculus Volume I
MATH 142 Analytical Geometry and Calculus II Calculus Volume II
MATH 210 Introduction to Statistics Introduction to Statistics*
MATH 243 Analytical Geometry and Calculus III Calculus Volume III
MUSC 153 Music Appreciation No Book Required
POLI 111 American Government (Online Sections) American Government
SOCY 151 Sociology Introduction to Sociology
SOCY 207 Social Problems Social Problems: Continuity & Change
SPAN 101 Spanish I No Book Required

Zero Cost Textbooks

Course ID Course Name Textbook
CNSS 105 Digital Logic Principles No Book Required
ELEC 130 Circuit Fundamentals I No Book Required
ELEC 240 Real Time Robotics Systems No Book Required
ELEC 245 Robotic Vision Systems No Book Required
ELEC 285 Fluid Power No Book Required
ELEC 290 Intro Programmable Logic Controller*** No Book Required
ELEC 295 Mechatronics No Book Required
  • *Online section requires a homework code
  • ** Check section description - varies by instructor
  • *** Simulator CD Required
  • **** Waymaker access code required

Textbook subject to change. Please verify textbook requirements with your instructor.