Dual Enrollment & Early College Orientation
Jessica LaMarche
Director Dual Enrollment/EMC
HUB 825
(906) 217-4086
Dual Enrollment & Early College orientation helps familiarize students with Bay College and the steps to getting started.
Some courses have prerequisites listed within the course description. Dual Enrollment
students can prove college-level readiness in R (Reading), E (Writing), and M (Math)
for these courses through appropriate scores on the PSAT, SAT, ACT, or the Bay College
assessments called Accuplacer (Reading & Writing) and ALEKS (Math).
Accuplacer and ALEKS placement assessments may be taken at Bay College, a Bay College
testing site, or online with the Testing Services Manager at no cost to the student.
If proctoring at a site is required, there may be an additional cost paid to that
institution. Contact Bay College Testing Services for more information at testingservices@baycollege.edu or 906-217-4035.
AP scores, CLEP test scores, and/or transcripts from another college can also be used
to prove eligibility for a class. The official transcript or score document from each
of these institutions must be sent directly to Bay College.
There may also be course prerequisites. For instance, you must have a “C” or better
in Accounting 101 before being able to register for Accounting 102.
Blackboard is where almost all of our classes are hosted. Before you are able to access your online or hybrid class, completion of the Online Learning Orientation is required.
Bay College classes that do not take place within the high school or ISD/Tech Center follow the Bay College Academic Calendar, which can be found on our website and on myBay. This calendar does not match up with the high school calendar. Be sure you have important Bay College dates in your calendar so that you are prepared.
Testing services at Bay College are provided for academic and certification testing online and on paper.
The Office of Accessibility (OOA) is the first stop for information and assistance to support students with disabilities.
The Bay College Library is located on the Escanaba campus with service to Bay West. The library serves students and community members. In addition to hard copy books and periodicals, the library hosts an extensive online catalog and provides access to various databases. Students have access to computers, a printer, study rooms, a copy machine, and various items for short term loan, including graphing calculators and hot spots.
As an enrolled Bay College student, Dual Enrolled and Early College students have the rights and responsibilities of any other college student. Bay College provides opportunities for students to gain the knowledge, skills, judgment, and wisdom they need to function in society as responsible citizens. Plagiarism, falsifying data, and other forms of academic dishonesty are inconsistent with the college’s goals and mission. Students are expected to pursue their education at Bay College with honor and integrity.
Bay College is committed to providing an educational environment free from discrimination or harassment based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, age, disability, or other protected status.
Jessica LaMarche
Director Dual Enrollment/EMC
HUB 825
(906) 217-4086