Bay de Noc Community College is seeking a qualified applicant to fill a vacancy on the Board of Trustees created by the resignation of Stephen T. Davis. This term expires December 31, 2028. 

The College has adopted the following policy and procedures regarding filling a vacancy on the Board of Trustees by Board appointment:

“It shall be the policy of the Bay de Noc Community College Board of Trustees, in filling Board vacancies by appointment, to solicit letters from interested and qualified Delta County citizens for appointment consideration.

Consideration will be given to the individual’s interest in the College, their willingness and availability for devoting the necessary time to College affairs, as well as special skills and knowledge of the individual.

In making the selection, the Board will fill the vacancy with a Delta County citizen who, by residency, occupation, association or affiliation, can bring to the College Board a representation which broadens its composition.”

Any interested person should send a letter indicating interest, and a resumé, to Board Chair Nick Chenier or President Nerita Hughes, Bay de Noc Community College, 2001 North Lincoln Road, Escanaba, MI 49829-2511 or by email to by March 7, 2025. 

Please contact the President’s Office at (906) 217-4022 or for more information. Board Meeting and Meeting Minutes information are also available.

Bay de Noc Community College is an Equal Opportunity Employer.