Requests to inspect or obtain copies of public records prepared, owned, used, possessed or retained by Bay College may be submitted on Bay College’s Freedom of Information Act Request Form, any other form of writing (letter, fax, email, etc.), or by verbal request.

Links to the Freedom of Information Act Request Form and other Freedom of Information Act-related forms are available for your use:

Written requests may be delivered to Bay College in person or by mail to:

Freedom of Information Act Coordinator
President’s Office
Bay College
2001 N Lincoln Rd
Escanaba, Michigan 49829

Requests may be faxed to (906) 217-1712. To ensure a prompt response, faxed requests should contain the term “FOIA” or “FOIA Request” on the first/cover page. You may also email the Freedom of Information Act requesting information. To ensure a prompt response, email requests should contain the term “FOIA” in the subject line.