Terry Pearson


Office: CB 205

Terry L. Pearson is a Criminal Justice / Law Enforcement Instructor at Bay de Noc Community College in Escanaba. Pearson has been employed at Bay College since 2007. In addition to teaching on campus, Pearson has earned certifications for online instruction and Web Accessibility. Pearson comes with a lengthy Law Enforcement Background which began in the mid 1970's when he was selected to be a Criminal Justice planner for the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Soon after he was hired by the Escanaba Public Safety Department where he spent nearly 30 years before retiring in 2006 at the rank of Detective Lieutenant. Currently he is the Chief of Police for the Hannahville Tribal Police Department. He is a former member of the Delta County Prescription Drug Abuse Coalition and was one of only two law enforcement officers selected to serve on a statewide gang task force under appointment by then Senate Majority Leader Dick Posthumus. Pearson has also served on the Delta County Gang Task Force and a long time member of both the Delta County and Central Upper Peninsula Criminal Investigators. He is also a member of the Local Emergency Preparedness Committees for Menominee and Delta Counties, the 911 Governing Board for Menominee County, International Chiefs of Police Association, Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police, and the Upper Peninsula Human Trafficking Task Force. Pearson is also a key component in all local Emergency Management matters and is an Active Shooter response Instructor. Pearson's undergraduate degree is from Lake Superior State University in Criminal Justice. His graduate studies were through Michigan State University where he earned a Master’s Degree in Law Enforcement Intelligence and Analysis and a graduate level Certificate in Homeland Security Studies. Other areas of expertise include advanced interview and interrogation, crime scene processing including advanced forensic photography and evidence collection. Pearson also has extensive experience in the investigation and successful prosecution of sex related crimes, fraud, embezzlement, and various other felonies. In addition to his studies at Lake Superior State University and Michigan State University, he has trained with the FBI, DEA, ATF, and the State of Michigan Crime Labs. During his law enforcement career Pearson has been awarded multiple letters of commendation and twice given the Meritorious Service award. Pearson is licensed through the Michigan Commission of Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES), Deputized in Menominee and Delta County, a sworn Tribal Law Enforcement Officer and will soon be awarded Special Law Enforcement Certification for the investigation of Federal Crimes. In addition to being an adjunct instructor for Bay College, Pearson also periodically instructs for Lake Superior State University at their Regional Center in Escanaba.